Sunday, July 17, 2011

Libya Catching The Revolutionary Feverus

Libya really started in on the mid-east unrest in February of this year. It started in Benghazi then swept across Tripoli. When this occured Gaddafi lashed out in violence.
Early on it looked like an easy win for those loyal to Gaddafi. They simply out numbered and out gunned the rebels.
The government forces pushed back the rebels almost all the way back to Benghazi when a very impotant even occurred. The United Nations Security Council voted to authorize military action. This brought many countries to send warplanes and missiles in such large masses that they have not seen since the Iraq war.
The bombing caused Gaddafi's sons to make a deal stating that he would step down. The rebels would not take the deal that was offered.
While this was going on the war was raging and both sides were being pushed back and then moving forward. Then in May the rebels then made a big move and this caused a statement to be made by Gaddafi. He said that he would continue to fight.
No matter what he said he was slowly losing more of those that were loyal to him in Tripoli.
While all this was happening in Libya some of the countries that were helping them out. One that was having a conflict about the help that they were giving was the United States
Congress was fighting President Obama on him breaking the Wars Power Resolution. They wanted him to pull out all of our help because he had not gotten approval from congress.
Despite the possible set back the United States continues to help with the rebels and have even recognized the TNC as the authoritative government in Libya. 

Libya Catching The Revolutionary Fever

Libya really started in on the mid-east unrest in February of this year. It started in Benghazi then swept across Tripoli. When this occured Gaddafi lashed out in violence.
Early on it looked like an easy win for those loyal to Gaddafi. They simply out numbered and out gunned the rebels.
The government forces 

United States Now Recognize the Transitional National Council as Ruling Authority

Friday the United States recognized the Transitional National Council (TNC) as the act government of Libya. With the US recognizing the TNC the rebels are on step to unfreezing Libyan assets in the US.
These assets are worth 30 billion dollars. This is what Hilary Clinton said this about recognizing TNC "I'm announcing today that, until an interim authority is in place, The United States will recognize the TNC as the legitimate governing authority for Libya."
The rebels did not just leave with just the United States recognizing them as the government but there was an agreement that other nations will also recognize them as well.
However with all the pledges that they have it does not mean that their problems are solved. They are still in need of money. This is what Ali Tarhouni, the rebels' minister of finance and oil said about the situation. "All it has brought is more pledges for money. If we had as much money as we have had pledges these past  few months, we would have no problems.
Money is needed to keep this movement going. The TNC has moved forward in receiving money from us but it is needed sooner than they are able to receive it.

Government Fighter Want Out

Those who have been loyal to Gaddafi are speaking about the troubles that are facing his forces. One of the officers that escaped is talking about how Gaddafi is having trouble getting people to fight for him. 
He said this about those fighting for Gaddafi "The leaders are from Khamis Bargades, but the rest are new recruits or volunteers. They are inexperienced; some could barley hold a gun."
This is great for the rebel forces they are able to make way to the capital. The rebels are also gaining good source of information. The officer is now training the rebels forces. He is making sure they understand how Gaddafi's forces think and how they can stop them.
He is also talking about how Gaddafi is having trouble with people really wanting to fight. Once they found out that they were fighting against each other they do not want to fight. He said that eighty percent of the  military will  would rather not be there. 
Gaddafi is recruiting from low income areas. He is giving them money that they need in order to make them fight for him. One of the men said this "I was promised 500 dinar to fight...When I got there i was frightened  and wanted to go home." 
With the turns of the war the end is near in sight. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rebels say they have video of people being mistreated

A trial is underway in the Netherlands to see if Moammar Gadhafi is allowing his forces to torture and rape women. This is a war crime and there enough evidence to come to the conclusion that it is really happening,
When reporters asked the Gadhafi administration to make a comment on the accusations they said they did not have a comment. However they are for an investigation for information.
Most of the videos that are being used for evidence are coming off of pro- Gadhafi forces cell phones. The court is having a problem however with getting all of the videos that they rebels are confiscating. There is one Rebel leader that was asking for all the cell phone to be brought to him. After getting them he is burning them
Why would he burn potential evidence against Gadhafi? Rape in Libya is not only seen as a bad thing for the women or girls that have been raped. It is a bad thing for the family as well. Instead of having to deal with it they would rather get rid of all the evidence.
This man was just trying to help the Families of the victims.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Canada Is Now Looking to Help Out the Rebels

The Canadian Government is now recognizing The National Council of Libya (rebel forces). The government plans to establish a working government. John Baird Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister said this "Our government will engage with the institutions and representatives of the NTC.
Canada said that they would do all that they could to make sure that the civilians of Libya would be protected. This could lead to putting military forces on the ground. That could cause more issues but if it was for the good of the people that it would be worth it.
They will continue to help with the no fly zone. They do have to abide by the restrictions given by the United Nations but they will do all they can within those guide lines. They say that they do not have the right to judge between who is right and who is wrong but are obligated to make sure that human rights are being up held.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Allies of Libya are Seeking More Help

In a NATO meeting U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked for more contributions from Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and the Netherlands. He said that while the war was moving forward they still needed help.
Others at the meeting said that stated that Gates was very blunt. Many other countries have also been asking others to step up there contributions.
The reaction to the call for help was not taken well by these countries. Spain said that they would have to get approval and that would be a difficult task. Germany said that it supported the mission but stated that they would not answer the call.
The countries that are helping Libya out are having a hard time maintaining the aid that they are giving. The rising cost is causing some of the countries to step back with their help. The United States is one of these.
The U.S. has stopped giving aid with the ground fighting, however it continues to help with the airstrikes. The biggest areas that we help in are refueling, and air-defense suppression.
Even with the success that the forces are having they still are not looking to help out carry the burden of the cost. The leaders are still saying that the end is coming they do not know when but it is coming.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

NATO continues to move back Libya's Government

Monday NATO continued to move Col. Gadhafi's forces back with their airstrikes. Despite the bombing the Government is saying that it is making progress in fighting on the ground with the rebels. However it is hard to make sure that is really happening because there have been reports that government officials have been exaggeration the death count of citizens caused by the NATO strikes.
A nurse in a hospital in Libya handed a hand written note to a reporter stating that the 7 month old baby that was said to have been injured during one of these bombings was actually injured in a car accident.
This caused Government officials to come out and say that they have not made any statements about the deaths caused by these strikes.
Despite all the hype that the Libyan Government is making about how well that they are doing NATO has stated that the rebels need to make post-Gadhafi plans so they do not have the same issues that Iraq had in 2003. They say this is necessary because Gadhafi will step down. They are not sure how long it will take but they know it will happen.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

VIP Hotel is Hit with a Blast

Today there was a car bomb that was detonated in the Tibesti Hotel in Benghazi.
There where not any casualties as of now. The bomb was not that big. It did damage to the car and injuring those near it.
Due to the fact that the TNT was lit with out anyone in it made it so the bomb was not that bad.
This is the first bomb in sometime that has occurred in Benghazi. Right after it went off they started the investigation to see who was behind it. They are still not sure who set it off.
This indecent occurred just one day after Italian  Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and NCT officers held a press conference there.
This hotel is where most of the press releases and conferences take place.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Journalist Talk about Arrest.

 The two American Journalist that were released this week made it to Tunisian board Thursday.
The felt grateful to be out of Libya and able to talk about what really happened to them. Clara Morgana Gills said this about being out of the country.
"I feel fine, and I am happy to be on the  other side, where I can talk freely."
They had been going to the front line in Berga to write about the fighting. When 5 of them got out of a taxi. Once they got out of the taxi Gadhafi's forces started firing on them.
They went for cover. Anton Hammerl from South Africa was shot in the abdomen.
They ran to the bushes for cover and yelled that they were journalist. The forces stopped firing for a while.
The 4 were taken prisoner. Hammerl died and they left his body on the ground.
While being held captive they were treated well and had plenty of food. At one point they were in a villa of one of the Generals of the army.
At one point they were held in a detention center in Tripoli. There they were interrogated about what they were doing.
At one point a news station said that Gills was an American CIA agent trying to help the rebel forces. They took her Pass Port and showed it on TV. It was later given back to her.
While in the detention center Gills said that they could feel the NATO air strikes.  
They also said that they made frequent visits to a court house where they were told that their case was under review and would be released soon. This left them even more confused. 
They were later fined $150 and cannot enter in the country for 1 year for entering the country illegaly.  
After they were released they were able to talk to Hammerl's family and tell them the news. 
They have plans to be home later this week.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Journalist Freed

Today four journalist were released from Libya after being detained for 6 weeks for not having visas.
Among those four prisoners were two American journalist. James Foley was one of those journalist who works for the GlobalPost. Upon being released the prisoners did not make any comments to the press.
The other American is Clara Morgana Gillis who writes for USAtoday. She said this "We are all fine."
They are being held in a Rixos hotel and will be escorted to Tunisia. They have guards waiting for them at the boarder. They hope to be home soon.
A British Journalist also was being held by the Libyan government. Nigel Chandler made a comment shortly after making it to the hotel. He had burns on his arms but said that they were not from the treatment while being detained.
They are not sure when they will get them back home but they want to make sure that they get home safe.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rebel's Money Crises

With their government killing it's people, the last thing the rebel force in Libya wants to worry about is running out of money.However it is looking like they will be running out of it in 4-5 weeks.They are coming to realize how much it cost to run areas that they are have taken control over. It is costing them 100 million dollars a day to supply and run these areas.
The rebels know that they will not be able to get the money on their own so they are looking to get help. They are meeting with many nations to discuss getting loans from France, Italy, United States and many other nations around the world. The meeting is set to take place tomorrow in Rome Italy. The rebels hope to get 1.5 billion dollars to cover the cost that are needed right away. This money would go towards food, and medical supplies to help with the constant flow of injured people.
While they are meeting about money it is not expected that the rebels will leave with money right away. Italian Foreign Ministry spokesman said this about the meeting "This is not a pledging conference. There will not be an envelope." The purpose of this meeting is to set up a principle if possible.