Friday the United States recognized the Transitional National Council (TNC) as the act government of Libya. With the US recognizing the TNC the rebels are on step to unfreezing Libyan assets in the US.
These assets are worth 30 billion dollars. This is what Hilary Clinton said this about recognizing TNC "I'm announcing today that, until an interim authority is in place, The United States will recognize the TNC as the legitimate governing authority for Libya."
The rebels did not just leave with just the United States recognizing them as the government but there was an agreement that other nations will also recognize them as well.
However with all the pledges that they have it does not mean that their problems are solved. They are still in need of money. This is what Ali Tarhouni, the rebels' minister of finance and oil said about the situation. "All it has brought is more pledges for money. If we had as much money as we have had pledges these past few months, we would have no problems.
Money is needed to keep this movement going. The TNC has moved forward in receiving money from us but it is needed sooner than they are able to receive it.
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